上海 PM2.5 主要 AQI 最新情報: 上海の 3 つの測定局の PM2.5 データの比較
Shanghai PM2.5 main AQI update: Comparative PM2.5 data for 3 measurement stations in Shanghai

Posted on January 19th 2013
共有: aqicn.org/faq/2013-01-19/shanghai-pm25-main-aqi-update-comparative-pm25-data-for-3-measurement-stations-in-shanghai/jp/
Shanghai AQI data is now based on the maximum PM2.5 AQI data for 3 stations: 上海美国总领事馆 (Shanghai US Consulate), 静安监测站 (Jing'an Monitoring Station)
and 上海师范专科学校附属小学 (lúwān shī zhuān fùxiǎo).

The first station is maintained by US Consulate in Shanghai, while the two last ones are provided by Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(上海市环境监测中心), which is governmental center.

If you have concerns about some stations reporting lower PM2.5 data compared to others, then refer to the following graphics; they show the relative PM2.5 reporting for the last 5 days for each of the above mentioned stations:

Shanghai AQI data is now based on the maximum PM2.5 AQI data for 3 stations: 上海美国总领事馆 (Shanghai US Consulate), 静安监测站 (Jing'an Monitoring Station)
and 上海师范专科学校附属小学 (lúwān shī zhuān fùxiǎo).

The first station is maintained by US Consulate in Shanghai, while the two last ones are provided by Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(上海市环境监测中心), which is governmental center.

If you have concerns about some stations reporting lower PM2.5 data compared to others, then refer to the following graphics; they show the relative PM2.5 reporting for the last 5 days for each of the above mentioned stations:

上海美国总领事馆 (Shanghai US Consulate) PM2.5 AQI reported by Shanghai US consulate上海上海美国总领事馆 PM25 (小粒子状物質)  measured by U.S. Consulate Shanghai Air Quality Monitor.
Values are converted to the US EPA AQI standard.
上海师范专科学校附属小学 (lúwān shī zhuān fùxiǎo) PM2.5 AQI reported by Shanghai MEP上海上海师范专科学校附属小学 PM25 (小粒子状物質)  measured by Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(上海市环境监测中心).
Values are converted to the US EPA AQI standard.
静安监测站 (Jing'an Monitoring Station) PM2.5 AQI reported by Shanghai MEP上海静安监测站 PM25 (小粒子状物質)  measured by Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(上海市环境监测中心).
Values are converted to the US EPA AQI standard.

As you can see, the reality is that Shanghai Environmental Protection Center and Shanghai US Consulate PM2.5 data is similar. And actually, in many case, the raw µg/m3 PM2.5 data reported by China MEP (China Ministry of Environmental Protection, to which Shanghai EP Center is reporting data) is actually higher than what is reported by the US consulate.

Some of the readers might be surprised since other apps (like the famous Dirty Beijing) are known to "highlight" lower AQI measured by MEP compared to the US data. The reason is that they do not use the same PM2.5 µg/m3 to AQI convertion for MEP and US data, meaning that they are comparing apple and bananas.

In this web site, all pollutant data (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3) are converted from µg/m3 to AQI using the same convertion formula, which is the official EPA (US Environment Protection Agency) (revision from 2011, which is much more stict than the 2006 one; sorry no we cannot find the link to this revision). Only usign this unique convertion formula, it makes sense to compare the AQI data.

So, now, you might ask what is the trick with the MEP data? Well, it is just that the US EPA convertion formula is much more strict than others (and even more for the 2011 one), especially for AQI values below 150. So, if you look at the raw PM2.5 µg/m3 data, values are very much similar between US and MEP. But if you look at the AQI converted values , then, yes, China MEP based convertion formula AQI values are lower than the US EPA based convertion formula AQI values. But no worry, this site only uses the US EPA convertion formula, so regarless of which center is reporting the PM2.5 µg/m3 data, you will always get the safe AQI measurement based on the US Environment Protection Agency.

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指数大気質指数の分類(米国)健康影響 / カテゴリ粒子状物質(PM10,PM2.5)
0 - 50良い - Good通常の活動が可能なし
51 -100並 - Moderate特に敏感な者は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動の減少を検討非常に敏感な人は、長時間または激しい活動を減らすよう検討する必要がある。
101-150敏感なグループにとっては健康に良くない - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups心臓・肺疾患患者、高齢者及び子供は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動を減少心疾患や肺疾患を持つ人、高齢者、子供は、長時間または激しい活動を減らす必要がある。
151-200健康に良くない - Unhealthy上記の者は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動を中止
201-300極めて健康に良くない - Very Unhealthy上記の者は、すべての屋外活動を中止
300+危険 - Hazardous上記の者は、屋内に留まり、体力消耗を避ける
(Reference: see wikipedia,and cn.emb-japan.go.jp/)


北京在住の医師Richard Saint Cyr氏による大変役に立つ健康上のアドバイスは、 www.myhealthbeijing.com をご覧ください。

使用上の注意: すべての大気質データは公開時点では妥当性が担保されていないため、これらのデータは予告なしに修正することがあります。 世界大気質指数プロジェクトは、この情報の内容を編集に最善の注意を尽くしておりますが、いかなる状況においても World Air Quality Index プロジェクトチームまたはそのエージェントは、このデータの供給によって直接的または間接的に生じる損失や損害について責任を負いません。



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